Soğuk algınlığında beslenme önerileri
Soğuk algınlığı; burun akıntısı ses kısıklığı, boğaz ağrısı ve öksürük şikayetlerine sebep olmaktadır.
The common cold causes a runny nose, hoarseness, sore throat and cough. Most people usually get medication from the pharmacy to relieve these symptoms.
Walking in the fresh air can be useful in colds, but rest is recommended in the first stage of the disease.
What is the effect of nutrition on the common cold?
Does nutrition have a positive effect on the immune system?
The body's support of its own immune system is a complex process consisting of specialised cells, messenger substances and proteins. In order for our immune system to function properly and healthily, we also need an adequate intake of vital nutrients.
So, which components and nutrients are important in the common cold?
If you have a cold, you should make sure you get enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements. You can meet these nutrients by consuming plenty of seasonal vegetables, fruit and whole grain products.
Vitamin C is an important radical scavenger and a powerful antioxidant
Much is known about the effects of vitamin C. Unfortunately, our body cannot produce vitamin C itself, so it must be taken with food.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that inhibits free radicals and renders them harmless. Since free radicals increase during colds, enough vitamin C should be taken. We need to take vitamin C not only during colds, but also at normal times. Vitamin C is abundant in foods such as rose hips, citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi, peppers, parsley, dill and broccoli. Consuming enough of these vital foods can help prevent colds.
Drinking a lot of fluids, eating less!
The human nervous system reacts to febrile illnesses and colds mainly by decreasing appetite and increasing thirst. This perceptual strategy is very logical. Because the body must use all its strength to fight viruses or bacteria. In these cases, the digestion of heavy meals will consume most of the energy. The need for water is often increased in infectious diseases; if the water requirements of the cells of the immune system are met, the cells become more mobile and aggressive.
Today it is the first food of choice for colds. It contains above-average amounts of carotinoids, the precursors of vitamin A, the vitamin of the mucous membranes, at 2 milligrams. The content of vitamin C, folic acid, pyridoxine, vitamin E, magnesium and zinc (especially in the seeds) is also significant. Another advantage of this large ball-shaped fruit is that it is so tasty that even sick children with a reduced appetite can eat it with pleasure.
The low fat and protein content of pumpkin does not burden the digestive system of patients; on the other hand, it consists of 91.3 per cent water, which again meets the increased water requirement of patients.
Pumpkin gives a fruity flavour when combined with apples and cucumber in a sweet-sour salad. On the other hand, when mixed with courgette and lemon balm, the vegetable flavour comes to the fore.
It contains many vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Allizin is a germicide. In addition, this active ingredient is excreted by inhalation, resulting in a marked reduction in bronchial cramping.
The effect of odourless garlic tablets is controversial, since the therapeutic effects of the inhalation of allysin are aimed at. Consumption of at least one clove of garlic every day, two to three cloves in case of colds is beneficial The typical odour is unavoidable, but with regular consumption it diminishes somewhat over time.
Garden and monastic cress contain large amounts of the antibiotic benzyl isothiocyanate, as well as a lot of vitamin C, carotinoids, potassium and magnesium.
Vitamin A increases the resistance of the mucous membranes in the nose, larynx and bronchi. Ideal sources of vitamin A are pumpkin, mango, cress and carrots, which contain carotinoids.
Magnesium supports the formation of cells that develop antibodies. Magnesium intake is guaranteed by drinking plenty of water and eating raw vegetables.
Zinc is involved in the production of antibodies and, more importantly, increases the endurance of T-lymphocytes, which are very important for the immune system. This mineral is especially found in almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds and green leafy vegetables.
For Colds: Ginger - The virus-killing substances in ginger tea prevent infection, reduce pain and fever, and suppress cough. It allows you to rest with its calming feature. To make ginger tea, slice 2.5 cm long fresh ginger root. Put it in a non-aluminium container and add two glasses of water. Close the container tightly and boil for 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it and sweeten with honey.
When the sugar in it combines with saliva, antibiotic substances are produced. It also has a high energy content (approx. 300 kcal per 100 grams) and does not require any strain on the digestive system to release it. This makes honey an ideal food during colds, when appetite is reduced.
Honey - the rediscovered miracle weapon!
Even the earliest Buddhists recognised the germicidal properties of honey. It was used for all diseases, heavy bleeding and injuries.
Phenolic acids
These substances are polyphenols. These include coffee and the ferula acid of carrots. Polyphenols not only act as antibiotics, but also have a healing effect against cancer.
Ginger warms your body from the inside
Ginger has an antimicrobial effect and stimulates blood circulation in the mucous membranes. For this reason, it cleans the stuffy nose. It also has a positive effect on blood circulation.
We also know that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and rapeseed oil have an anti-inflammatory effect.
As a result, keeping the immune system strong reduces your risk of developing diseases. For this purpose, it is necessary to increase physical activity, pay attention to seasonal food consumption, reduce animal food consumption, quit or reduce smoking and alcohol consumption, increase the body's tolerance to seasonal transitions by taking alternating hot-cold baths, sweating in a sauna or Turkish bath to remove toxins from the body, getting quality sleep, taking care to maintain a healthy intestinal flora, gargling with himalaya salt or rock salt in case of pain and burning in the mouth and throat area. It is possible to increase your body's resistance against the viruses you encounter by contributing to the flora formation with probiotic supplements from time to time.